BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//AT Content Types//AT Event//EN VERSION:1.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140805T070000Z DTEND:20140806T150000Z DCREATED:20140812T141550Z UID:ATEvent-6bcf7b286ce0439fb6a91992f5d290cf SEQUENCE:0 LAST-MODIFIED:20140822T075935Z SUMMARY:Delhi\, India: IPCC AR5: What it means for a stronger\, more inclusive India DESCRIPTION:CDKN is collaborating with the Government of India and the IPCC together with local partners TERI and the Business Council for S ustainable Development (BCSD) to bring the key messages of the Fifth A ssessment Report to audiences in India at this event in New Delhi. LOCATION:India Habitat Centre Silver Oak Hall\, Delhi PRIORITY:3 TRANSP:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR